
How she made the switch from pharmacist to creating an embodiment school for women

April 30, 2018

Today’s “switch” interview involves someone who had a major impact on the course of my life and business over the past 2 years.

In September of 2016,  I reached out to Jenna Ward to work with her in a one on one capacity.

I was at a place where I needed guidance, a little female nurturing and a new way of thinking about my business (at a foundational level) and my personal life. I knew that both were inextricably linked and could see how one was affecting the growth of the other. And so, I put my money where my mouth is and dived into 3 months of intense discovery. My work with Jenna confirmed two beliefs:

+ That we do not need to do it alone – it’s okay to ask for help (a hard pill for an overachiever like me to swallow)

+ And to be wholehearted in my work, to be of service to others from a place of real compassion, I needed to get out of my head and into my heart.

It brings me joy to see the evolution of Jenna’s business in the last few years and as a student of her work, I am ever grateful for the awareness she helped me see in my own femininity through the practices of embodiment.

Let’s dive right in…

Can you define the moment your heart decided it was time for a career change?

Ive made two career changes, the first from pharmacist to kinesiologist, the second from kinesiologist to embodiment coach. I resisted both of them, wondering if I had what it tookif it was the right moveif I could really do it. But the fact was (in both situations) there was a clear moment of know I cant keep going like I am and also deciding to trust whatever happens, this will all work out and Ill be okay.

In practical terms, what first steps did you take towards designing a new career?

The big switchfrom pharmacist to kinesiologist was a wild ride. I knew I wanted to something different, I was tired of working for someone else, not dictating my own pay, working in a compassion-less system, and doing work that I didnt loveBut I had no clue exactly what the new jobwould be. I took time to do work experience inmaking salads at the markets, interior decorating, styling weddings, I thought about doing acupuncture, and about a million other things.

Ultimately I decided to just start somewhere.

At this time I was super dis-embodied, meaning I was only making decisions with my head (99%) and really couldnt feel my body or hear what my body wanted. After a lot of experimentation, and beginning to work with my body more intimately I began to feel what I wanted – and then I knew the truth of it.

I wasnt destined to work with clients in my (then) Brisbane based Kinesiology practice, it was in fact Embodiment (inhabiting the sensation of our body temple more fully) that was my calling. It took a few years – but I got there!

What daily practices allow you to bring creativity into your work and life?

My most important daily practice is a morning embodiment movement practice called Primal Feminine Flow. Its a non-structured practice that allows me to just notice where my body is at, what Im feeling, deal with any stress or tension thats arising in the day, and get clear on me before getting into work mode. I also used an Embodied To Do list’ to work with my creative energy – while also getting shit done – in an embodied way and this has been a GAME changer! To-do-lists use to rule my life in the most unpleasant way, and now they are the source of sanity (instead of overwhelm).

What practices do you use to manage your inner critic as you forge your own path?

Embodiment asks us to love ALL parts ourselves, including our inner critic. It’s been a big journey as my critic (like most women’s) has a lifetime (and a feminine lineage worth) of stories about all the ways I’m not enough. For a long time I did try to mange that by pretending it wasn’t true, but it wasn’t until I began to practicing LOVING that part of me that things shifted.

What I mean by ‘loving’ that part of me is realising the voice/message of the inner critic is simply a message saying “hey this part of me isn’t with the program yet, it hasn’t caught up”. If I am big enough and loving enough to say to that part of me “it’s okay, I’m willing to feel you, welcome you, love you and let you see that I am so much greater than this voice” then we truly heal those parts of us that are old/outdated/looking for love.

Define the purpose of the work you do now – has it evolved over time or did you always know?

Since starting to work with clients I’ve also worked in embodied ways – but I had no idea it was “embodiment” for well over 12months of doing it! Embodiment is all about inhabiting the temple of your body FULLY. This means turning up the sensitivity of our body in EMPOWERING ways. Loving all the shapes, and shades and textures of ourselves so that we can truly let our body lead.

Name the top thing on your current ‘stop doing list’?

Stop checking my phone so much!

What was the best investment you made in yourself last year?

I bought another two team members into my business. At first it was just me, now we are an internationally little team leading! Most of my ‘best investments’ have been in both personal and professional coaching to be honest – but bringing more team members in so I can serve more women while working less absolutely took the cake in the past 12 months.

Finally, if you could give one piece of advice to your 18 year old self upon finishing school, what would it be? 

Don’t stress so much little lady. Have more fun and take more risks. No one get’s out alive anyway.

About Jenna:

Feminine Embodiment Coach & Founder of the School of Embodied Arts, Jenna Ward lives between Australia’s Sunshine Coast & Europe. As an ex-pharmacist turned embodied woman Jenna intimately understand what it’s like to live life feeling dis-connected & dis-embodied. Through her own personal experience & guiding hundreds of women back into their body, Jenna equally knows what’s required to get out of your head, feel empowered by your emotions & claiming your sensual power.

Together with an international community of women, the School of Embodied Arts is redefining what it means to be fuelled by the feminine. To find out more about Jenna’s work and the magic of embodiment visit www.jennaward.co

Youtube : http://bit.ly/soeayoutube

Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/jennaward.co

Instagram: @jennaward.co