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career coaching


How she went from a career in fast fashion to creating a business built on purpose

January 16, 2019
Bec Ampt is the founder of The Conscious Creative Studio.

Through her a multi-faceted approach, Bec is truly committed to those she works with, delivering a beautiful product that is a culmination of her experience, purpose, passion and grit.

But as you’ll find out, she lay down the foundations in the corporate space with some of Australia’s most well-known brands – before leaping out on her own.

Despite only connecting face to face a couple of times, I regard Bec as a true friend. She’s one of those women that reminds you that we’re all in this entrepreneurial game together.

By definition “The Switch” series is about: everyday women making radical changes in their life towards purpose driven work, like the other women that have come before her in this series, Bec shows that purpose driven work evolves over time. It’s not always an instant switch. 

I truly admire this woman’s courage to work step by step by step at something she wholeheartedly wants and believes in.


Why letting go of a childhood dream, made way for a business she loves

October 23, 2018

Finding work you love is not always an instant love affair.

We can be fiercely driven by our childhood dreams one minute, then disillusioned the next.

What is so magical about today’s interview is that Alison had to go beyond her disillusion, to really listen to what her intuition was telling her. It was through maintaining daily rituals and practices that she was not only able to cultivate her intuition, but through this, realise that her answer to her next move lay right in front of her.

By definition “The Switch” series is about: everyday women making radical changes in their life towards purpose driven work and Alison’s story shows that purpose driven work evolves over time.

While doing what she thought was her “life’s work” – acting, she gained the perfect skills in her day job in aromatherapy and skincare which allowed her to later launch her own business with it’s unique take on ritual based living.

Enjoy my loves!

Can you define the moment your heart decided it was time for a career change?

I’m not sure it was a single moment.

For many years, I was ignoring the gentle urging from my heart to try something new. I was chasing acting dreams and put my heart and soul into making that dream a reality.

I was really invested in it as a career choice and despite having a university degree in journalism couldn’t really see past my childhood acting dreams. Deep down, I always felt as though I was waiting for someone else to give me a break or an opportunity. I felt like I gave away my power every time I stepped into a room to audition.

It gradually wore me down and while I wanted to act mostly because of the creative expression, I didn’t feel very creatively fulfilled as mostly I was cast in TV ads or badly written student films.

I did do some really fun projects and don’t regret my decision to pursue that career path when I did, but the level of satisfaction I have now with creating my own line of organic Sacred Skincare and Self Care Ritual tools (compared with being a disillusioned and slightly naive aspiring actor) has been incredible and fulfilling on so many levels.

For me it was a gradual letting go of something I fiercely wanted to make space for something new to grow and flourish.

I handcrafted my own products for many years before launching Alyssum Alchemy, often balms to soothe my own dissatisfied soul, but I also made handmade gifts for family and friends. I found aromatherapy to be a lovely self nurturing and creative hobby to nourish me on multiple levels and felt very empowered when coming up with blends and ideas unlike the very disempowering entertainment industry.

In practical terms, what first steps did you take towards designing a new career?

I suppose educating myself over a period of years about natural skincare and aromatherapy was a major step as it was something I had always been interested in.

Working in the industry for almost 10 years (while waiting for my big acting break to come along) meant I was fully immersed in the industry. I knew what customers wanted, what kinds of products were popular, why certain ingredients were used in various combinations, as well as understanding the often overlooked safety of essential oils.




    I knew I wanted to make my own products for quite a few years but I got in my own way.

    Even though I didn’t know where to start, I knew I wanted to do something different to what was already on the market.

    Completing a Diploma of Energetic Healing and studying Reiki up to Master level opened up a whole new world for me and helped me tap into my intuition more which I think lead me to where I am now.

    These days I really try to make decisions for my business based on my intuition as much as I can.

    Doing Marie Forleo’s B-School was helpful once I was ready to get started as it helped with business foundation stuff, things like my ‘why’, developing and deciding on my brand message, my point of difference and of course who my target audience was going to be.

    What daily practices allow you to bring creativity into your work and life?

    Yoga really helps me to come back to myself and step away from the busy-ness of my brain and the distractions that abound in life.

    It helps me to bring some quiet and stillness into my day, check in with myself to see where I’m at and helps to clear the slate to allow the creativity and productivity to flow.

    Sometimes a change of routine can also help inspiration to flow.  A few days out of Sydney somewhere quiet and leafy, or a retreat somewhere can help to get new ideas to spring forth.  But for me ideas and creativity isn’t really the challenge, it’s actioning them where i struggle.

    I’m a big ideas person, and often get overwhelmed with all the things I want to do as I also never seem to have enough time to do it all.

    I find I’m most creative when I’m not suffering from overwhelm, so stripping back my to do list to the bare minimum and try to make space in my day for self care it so important as I balance motherhood and running a business.

    I also do my best to weave ritual into my day as often as I can.

    Be it my morning cup of tea, choosing an oracle card when I begin my day, choosing which fragrance to wear or burning incense when I tidy up or do chores.

    They are always ways to make the mundane more magical and special.

    What practices do you use to manage your inner critic as you forge your own path?

    I’ve always been rather stubbornly optimistic and ‘glass half full’ even during those hard years when I barely got any acting work, I have a strong sense of faith that everything will work out in the end, so that really helps now that I’m forging into new territory, mostly on my own without a guidebook.

    I try to practise gratitude as much as a I can and try to see the world (as well as myself, other people and any challenges I encounter) as much as I can through my heart space, (rather than my headspace which is all over analytical critic) it’s like a lens of compassion and understanding.

    My entire skincare line has been infused with gem and flower essences which help to encourage feelings of compassion and support feelings of self worth so just through my daily practise of using the Rose Radiance Facial Nectar or Face mist I am supporting myself to be more positive and forgiving toward myself.

    Define the purpose of the work you do now – has it evolved over time or did you always know?

    My goal with Alyssum Alchemy has always been to encourage people to make time for daily sacred rituals in their lives.

    Because we are all on the go all of the time, whether its mentally or physically, it’s often hard to stop and simply be.  We fill our spare time with scrolling and our days are so jam packed its no wonder that by the end of the day we feel devitalised but not necessarily fulfilled.

    I wanted to create a line of intentional self care ritual products people could use to weave mini self care rituals into their busy days and routines, whether its spritzing their pillow with something to help them fully surrender, let go from their stresses and sink into a deeply restorative sleep, or nurture their skin with potent yet gentle skin loving botanicals which have been infused with multiple levels of energy healing.

    I knew from the beginning I didn’t want to use terms like ‘anti-aging’ or ‘anti-acne’ or any kind of negative wording, so instead my products have affirmations on the back of the bottle and really positive language to support women in their self love journey.

    I really think the daily skin care routine can be transformed into a self love ritual with the right intention and and beautifully crafted products.

    What really helped me when I was feeling unfulfilled in my acting career was the little self care rituals I did at home with my oils and homemade remedies.

    I felt like I was taking my power back and at the very least had full control over my own healing rituals. Then I became a mum and had a really tough few months navigating that new path and found again I reached for the self care rituals to anchor me back and support me.

    It was kind of an ‘a-ha’ moment when I saw myself going down into a dark shadowy hole of negativity, and then consciously making the decision to gently lure myself back into the light again with sacred daily rituals.  It was then I knew my entire product line (many of which at this point had already been formulated just not officially launched yet) would be all about encouraging self care and self love and permission to pause as part of a sacred daily ritual.

    Name the top thing on your current ‘stop doing list’?

    I really try not to focus on what I need to stop, rather I try to shine a light on what I’d like to be doing more of.  For me that’s cultivating more simplicity and space into my life.    

    What was the best investment you made in yourself last year?

    I always try to go to at least one retreat a year as it really fills my cup. Last year I went on a couple, one was just for me and one was with my hubby.  Bringing my husband along to a yoga retreat as the only man was mildly amusing but mostly fabulous and ended up being a really lovely way to celebrate our 5 year wedding anniversary.

    We attended a couple of workshops as well as did yoga twice daily and ate wonderfully nourishing food all in a little eco sanctuary in the middle of the bush for 4 days. It was the first time we’d had more than a night or two away from our son Flynn after 3 years of being parents so was a really nice way to reconnect.

    Finally, if you could give one piece of advice to your 18 year old self upon finishing school, what would it be? 

    I really love the quote “What is it you want to do with your one wild and precious life?” by Mary Oliver.

    I think that’s a pretty good question to ask any 18yro (or even 38yro!).  Also I wish I had learned to listen to my heart and intuition earlier (rather than letting my headstrong ego guide me) about what would actually bring me joy and fulfilment all those years ago.

    About Alison:

    Alison Gallagher is the owner and founder of Alyssum Alchemy a unique range of organic, vegan and sustainable luxury aromatherapy products infused with crystals, gem and flower essences and Reiki.

    The products include a range of Sacred Skincare, organic perfumes and sacred ritual tools all of which are handcrafted during potent moon phases in Sydney, Australia.

    By combining her love for aromatherapy and various forms of energy medicine Alison has crafted an artisan range of ecoluxe products celebrating self love, mindfulness and ritual.

    Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/AlyssumAlchemy/

    Instagram: @alyssumalchemy/




    An unconventional career switch – from Lawyer to Doula and finding her true purpose

    August 1, 2018
    Today I want to introduce you to Clancy Allen – mum, and a Certified Doula with qualifications in yoga, kinesiology and law and one powerful woman. 

    By definition “The Switch” series is about: everyday women making radical changes in their life towards purpose driven work and Clancy is a shining example of this pursuit.

    These interviews bring to light the unique journey that is our career path. We might have the belief that like our relationships, we want to find “the one” but as Clancy points out, there is beauty in experimenting and ultimately changing your mind.

    Clancy and I met through the world of essential oils and that alone is proof that if you say yes to things you love, the universe will put the right people in your path.

    Let’s dive right in…


    How she made the switch from pharmacist to creating an embodiment school for women

    April 30, 2018
    Today’s “switch” interview involves someone who had a major impact on the course of my life and business over the past 2 years.

    In September of 2016,  I reached out to Jenna Ward to work with her in a one on one capacity.

    I was at a place where I needed guidance, a little female nurturing and a new way of thinking about my business (at a foundational level) and my personal life. I knew that both were inextricably linked and could see how one was affecting the growth of the other. And so, I put my money where my mouth is and dived into 3 months of intense discovery. My work with Jenna confirmed two beliefs:

    + That we do not need to do it alone – it’s okay to ask for help (a hard pill for an overachiever like me to swallow)

    + And to be wholehearted in my work, to be of service to others from a place of real compassion, I needed to get out of my head and into my heart.

    It brings me joy to see the evolution of Jenna’s business in the last few years and as a student of her work, I am ever grateful for the awareness she helped me see in my own femininity through the practices of embodiment.

    Let’s dive right in…


    Making the Switch from corporate to yoga studio owner

    April 17, 2018
    Welcome to our first interview in a new series called The Switch – an opportunity for me to share everyday women like you and me, who have transitioned from one career into something completely new.

    Karen Shelton is a Melbourne based yoga teacher who little over 18 months ago, shared her dream with me in a coaching session. Karen wanted to own a yoga studio with her husband Chris but at the time was working full-time in a corporate role as an internal career coach. She didn’t know how or when it might happen, but she held on to that dream and today, I am proud to say she is now a full-time studio owner at Tidal Flow Yoga.

    Karen shared with me some deeply personal stories from her journey as well as the practical measures she took to ensure she was able to hold fast to her dream – despite a few obstacles along the way.