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Personal development


The secret to managing your mind – lessons from Brooke Castillo

November 8, 2018

Brooke Castillo is like a fairy godmother to me. 

She is also one of my favourite teachers. Through her deep curiosity, she teaches us about our mind, its inner workings and how our thinking affects our reality. Our reality – is both how we see the world and others, but also what we make it to be through our actions.  

Every week, on a Thursday afternoon, her words find their way into my ears. Over the last year, she’s taught me many things about my mind. 

The point to all of her words, is that she asks me to value my mind – which if understood will create the reality we truly desire.

Like going to the gym, a healthy mind requires attention too. We need to flex the self-awareness muscle.  

Subtle yet clever, our mind loves a good story. Like a childhood fairytale, they play on repeat, they create parts of our personality and our reality. 

Once we get wind of this, we become the observer. Not the over-analyser but the observer of our thoughts. We simply notice what actions we take as a result of certain thinking, of stories we tell ourselves. 

Meditation is an ideal gym for this practice. 

It will take some time to notice the stories, but once we do, we see the power of them. 

The next step is perhaps the most critical. 

When we notice what we tell ourselves (or have been subtly whispering for some time) we have a choice. 

Our adult mind will try to tell us we don’t (have a choice), but we do.

In that moment, we can choose the story that continues to create this reality (is it happily ever after?) or a new one. 

We can tell ourselves – “I am afraid, but this time I’m going to do it anyway”

The end. 

We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark.

The real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.

~ Plato





    Four little secrets to making bold changes

    November 7, 2018

    Things are changing around here. 

    This year, has been a year of leaning in to change, building more resilience and making 5 year visions and goals a reality. 

    Some people might call it manifesting, I like to think it is the result of taking small actions over and over.

    Actions that certainly aren’t devoid of setbacks. 

    Even when something might feel like a setback, we do our best to move through it. 

    To find the opportunity in it, initiate plan B, get creative with our thinking or simply ask for help, rather than let the goal fade.  

    So when that thing you want finally becomes a reality – it is exhilaratingly scary or scarily exhilarating.  

    As I write this, I’ll be turning 36 in just a few weeks.


    How to get more out of your life and work by doing less

    October 11, 2018

    Is doing less reeeeeeally hard for you too?

    Do you find yourself saying yes to everyone? filling any white space with stuff?

    We’re generous, giving, women and it’s a beautiful quality. 

    Clients, their work, families, friends…always there for that person, do that thing, one last instagram post, run that favour or cook that meal…

    But like any strength, there’s always a flip-side. 

    Being good at giving can mean we forget about the receiving part. 

    What if we focussed the same amount of energy we spend on giving, on receiving?

    What if we showed ourselves the love first? so we could receive from others with ease instead of feeling awkward or guilty about it?


    What it means to both thrive and do work you love

    September 9, 2018

    Have you ever wondered whether it is possible to thrive and do work you love? 

    I believe wholeheartedly that as women, we can.

    This is the essence of what I teach and why I believe doing this work is essential. 

    How I define thriving and doing work you love:

    Thriving if you look at the definition of thriving, it means to prosper or flourish. This ability to continually thrive is dependant on the foundation and conditions we create for use to do so as women. 

    Doing work you love this is about self-expression and self-empowerment. It is about finding your alignment between who you are and the work you are here to do in the world. 

    The women I work with, typically reach a point where they are questioning what success looks like to them. They desire freedom to travel, flexibility and to be driving their own path.

    In order to create this life, we go deeper and get clear on what doing work you love means for you. 

    None of what I teach, is new wisdom. What makes it unique is how we overlay it, and how it specifically applies to women who want to thrive do work they love.