Browsing Tag

conscious beauty

Girl Crush interview

Girl Crush – Introducing Lucy Bourchier

May 28, 2015

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Meet the beautiful Lucy Bourchier.

Lucy is a success coach and speaker (and yoga teacher!) who helps women find their voice and live their message. You can get Lucy’s weekly podcast interviews that feature remarkable entrepreneurs and trail blazers who have found their voices and are now living their message with huge success, plus all the tips and action steps for how to do the same, right here on The Brave Exchange podcast. (on iTunes).

Favourite Finds

Favourite Finds – Lewin & Reilly Women’s Skin Trio

May 15, 2015

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This is one local brand that is ticking all the boxes right now.

And their story goes something like this…

Husband and wife duo, Kim and Andi, first discovered the concept for their skincare brand while honeymooning in the idyllic Cook Islands. The pair share diverse backgrounds spanning wine making to publishing, but it was the abundance of natural ingredients available in the South Pacific that captured their hearts. They also recognised the huge impact these special ingredients had on the health and wellbeing of the native people.  Several years later and back on Australian shores, they believed a skincare line would be the finest way to bring awareness to the healing properties of  these plants and oils.

Sourced from sustainable farms across the Pacific islands and Australia, their formulas combine wild harvested and Organic oils, butters, hydrosols/floral waters, waxes and potent plant extracts.


Resistance: why it shows up when you are playing big

May 11, 2015

This week has been a very interesting one.

You may have noticed I re-launched A Conscious Beauty’s website – a brand-spanking new look with my face all over it. Was I busting out of my seat with excitement? Nup.

You see, one small but critical word, has been the devil on my shoulder:


And why?

Simply, resistance to revealing the true me to the world. Dancing me and me with face mask smeared all over it. That authentic kinda me.

As resistance was building, other (very important) areas of my life started to fall away. Things that are typically routine for me like nourishing food, regular exercise or even communicating with family and friends became a chore. Instead I chose to succumb to the back and forth, round and round thoughts. Suffering becomes pleasurable. And A Conscious Beauty graciously waited a whole week to be announced to the world.

Favourite Finds

Favourite Finds – Vanessa Megan Bug Off Me

March 12, 2015


Whether you are camping in the great outdoors or enjoying a barbecue on the last of warm nights, the last thing you want is a pesky mosquito hanging around. Not to mention waking up to find you’ve been ‘attacked’ like a 2-year-old with chicken pox.

As a natural beauty, my initial thought was – well how can I possibly find a bug repellant that is remotely natural?

And then it appeared – Vanessa Megan Bug Off Me roll-on repellant.

Favourite Finds

Favourite Finds – Rasasara Herbal Face Cleansing Bar

January 28, 2015

Rasasara is a boutique Ayurvedic Organic ‘skinfood’ line that is carefully formulated in Melbourne, Victoria by the passionate Sonia Llyod. I was first introduced to the world of Ayurvedic skincare a couple of years ago when the lovely Lizzy of Primal Junction fame, kindly gifted me with an eye gel for Christmas. It wasn’t until moving to Melbourne that I stumbled upon the full line at my favourite Organic grocer, and of course you know with me – the rest is history!