
My favourite rituals to boost self worth and feel good about money

July 19, 2017

Any time we desire a change in mindset, I’ve observed that the most powerful impact comes when we implement small, thoughtful and regular actions over a period of time. When it comes to money, I like to call it –

Creating conscious money habits

Regular actions, that eventually become habitual (and natural) will slowly change our reactive or negative patterns into something that serves our vision. Words spoken become not only powerful but naturally positive in nature.

When choosing our conscious habits, we can should consider these three things:


This aspect of our conscious money habits relates to the energy we feel not only when we speak about money, but also relates to the thoughts we have and the physical body – where we hold the energy in our bodies when we think or speak about money.

Energy is an underlying thing, we can feel it but we often can’t see it. It is often said that money has a neutral energy, it is neither good nor bad, it just is. However, if we reflect on our money story, it might be apparent that you have held a certain energy around money for a long time. When you observe what was said around money growing up – was the energy in your family open and expansive, full of possibility, or perhaps when you spoke about money in the context of others lives there was an energy of needless consumption, greed, or status.

Consider the energy you feel in your body when you repeat your powerful money statement to yourself. Are you reading it with intent and passion or is it just another thing on your to-do list? This is no different to the energy you feel when you create something – a piece of art, a beautiful meal, or even movement. If you know how you feel when you create these things – power, love, attention and fullness, how would it feel if we applied these feelings to money?


This is where energy is evident in real time. Being in flow with money, is accepting the in and out, that the dollars go up and down in and out of our accounts regularly.

When we understand flow, we are open to receiving income or gifts and are equally generous in our giving. If we are constricted, tight or closed (in our thoughts and bodies) then money will not flow in easily when the time comes to receive it.


Gratitude & Abundance

At the heart of it, if we are in tune with our money story, we know that gratitude is a regular and influential practice for our lives. Your gratitude practice allows you to see how wealthy you are (and this is not always financial), that you have everything you need and desire to live and thrive on this planet – this is true abundance.

If you’ve been following along with this series on money, by now you should be familiar with your money story and powerful money statement from Part One HERE and Part Two HERE.

As we utilise Energy, Flow, Gratitude and Abundance in our lives, we know we are worthy of wealth and prosperity because we know we can use it to serve, we see less limitations in our lives and more possibility and we become excited about growth and expansion.

PART THREE is all about discovering the practices that will help us if we are looking shift some of those less positive beliefs into something more productive. OR it could be that you are on the way to building and creating something you’ve always dreamed of and you need a little support to ensure you’re money beliefs are in check.

Today I want to introduce you to 3 Habits To Feel Empowered With Money and as a result, boost your self confidence through the roof!

And you know what? I’m being super generous and letting YOU create the 3 habits by choosing to commit to one daily, one weekly and one monthly or annual ritual around money! Here’s some ideas to get you started:

Daily rituals

**looking at your bank balance and pausing for a moment of gratitude

**gratitude practice

**read your powerful money statement back to yourself

**listen to meditations on abundance

**change your passwords on your bank accounts or any account that relates to a financial exchange to a feeling that is connected with how you want to feel about money

**consider the language you use when you speak about money – e.g. replace ‘I can’t afford it…’ with ‘I’m choosing not to participate right now’ or ‘I wish I had, or I want’ with ‘I choose x because it would allow me to…’

Weekly rituals

**set aside a day a week for paying any bills or invoices

**when you pay the bill or invoice, have a moment of thanks for the service used. In the case of electricity, mobile phone, internet or gas, we use this in advance – and pay later.

**do something to give back to someone in need (this could be a financial or time trade)

Monthly & Annual rituals

**If you are in a partnership, set aside time to discuss finances with your loved one

**Regularly set aside money for your tax (if you are a contractor or sole business owner)

**Make quarterly or annual appointments with accountant or financial adviser

**Rewrite your powerful money statement when you set your annual goals. Create financial goals that align with your version of abundance.

My Favourite Meditations on Abundance