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How to turn a NO into your superpower

May 9, 2018

I’ll admit, saying the word “rejection” still conjures up old stuff for me. 

…That boy that cheated 13 years ago…that job I did’t get when I was 19…that friend that blacklisted me back when I was 14…that time my mum forgot to pick me up from school when I was five

Rejection is too often linked to past experience, and we can make just one case of rejection (as you can see I’ve got just a few in there) mean so much about ourselves. Then we take that meaning into all our future experiences. 

Today, I’d love to flip those feelings of rejection on their head. I want to help you understand that there’s some really rad and positive things that can come from a simple NO.

THIS POST is a must read if you are considering a potential career change, starting or building a side business, start a new hobby, or anyone generally looking to create change and deeper connection in our lives (which is typically all humans).

To help you, I’ve broken this post down into three areas:

What NO means in your business

Using NO to evoke your personal power

How to set yourself up for success + deal with the NO’s