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Four mindset shifts to help you step into meaningful work (VIDEO SERIES)

May 9, 2019
Work is a huge part of our lives, and there’s no doubt you’ve landed here because your mission is to create meaningful work and feel supported in the process.

For some of us, this is making moves towards a career change and no longer be limited by those excuses around time or money.

For others, this is filling your creative cup with a side project that adds a beautiful contribution to the world.

Or, you love the work you do, but you don’t want to spend your nights at stuffy networking events to grow your professional tribe 

Filled with super practical tools and worksheets to create a kind and supportive mindset that will have you bust through fear every day. After these four classes, I promise you’ll feel confident and ready to embrace the next steps.

Claire Baker menstrual cycle planning

Aligning your life with your menstrual cycle – with Claire Baker

June 29, 2018
I am so thrilled to introduce you to Claire Baker the queen of aligning your life with your menstrual cycle. Claire is carving out a name for herself as a women’s coach and writer in the areas of self-care and rekindling your creativity.

Having worked with Claire 1:1 and attending her Adore Your Cycle workshop, I can attest to the fact that she is extremely passionate about this work – which has led to her raising awareness worldwide around a topic that was for so long only spoken about “behind closed doors”.

Claire speaks authentically about her own experience of coming off the contraceptive pill (a process that wasn’t smooth sailing) which she saw as an opportunity to learn and rediscover a parts of herself in a new light.

In this conversation, Claire shares very actionable ways in which you can begin to bring awareness to your cycle and have it create a positive ripple across all areas of your life – career, sexuality, relationships, creativity, personal power and self expression.


15 planning strategies that changed my life and got me actual results

May 24, 2018

Of ALLLLLLL the topics you want me to share most about – the area of productivity, motivation and powerful decision making is hands down the winner. 

I know many of the women who joined this tribe are in their own small business, have dreams of starting something, want to bring to life those creative hobbies that you’ve had on your vision board all year or simply establishing some “balance” in your life around your priorities. 

A little more time for you is but a simple wish. 

If you’re like me, it’s no secret working from home can have massive upsides – the ability to work from any part of the house, in my pjs or yoga pants, no commute time, plenty of natural light, you can play whatever music you want to…


Two important thoughts on doing work that matters

December 20, 2017

This time of year typically brings up a lot of reflection for me.

You too lovely?

In between the last minute rush, deadlines, drinks and end-of-year lunches we might find ourselves asking some big questions. Like…

“what am I going to do in 2018 to make an impact?” 

Deep question yes, somewhat scary yes.

It is important we zoom the lens out now and again. See our lives within the context of the bigger picture – your community, your work, your relationships…

Doing work that matters doesn’t mean you have to go crazy, it can begin with one simple thing…



This time of year is primed with opportunities to lead with generosity. And they don’t need to be monetary at all. Time, love, attention are all incredibly generous acts.

But beyond the holiday season I want you to consider this:

Could we see radical changes in the world if we all stood outside our comfort zones, to serve the needs of others in innovative ways?

…to spend our time on this planet doing work that matters.

In this week’s video, I wanted to share my thoughts on this very BIG concept…

and because this is a BIG concept…

you might be thinking “where do I start?”