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Katie Dean

Careers interview

Becoming Brave – A conversation with Katie Dean on courage and giving yourself permission

May 16, 2018
Today I want to introduce you to the fabulous Katie Dean, creator of Your Wild Life and recently published author of Becoming Brave.

This inspiring conversation is perfect for anyone who is looking to take a leap in their life and would love a few words of encouragement from someone who knows. Remember, like all the women I interview – Katie is just like you or I. She is a woman who has experienced her fair share of challenges, but by staying true to her north and digging deep, she found the courage to speak on stages, facilitate workshops and work with numerous women individually. I am honoured to have her as a guest as she speaks openly and candidly about this journey.

Here’s what you’ll learn about in this conversation:

+ What it takes to find the confidence to write and share despite past trauma or toxicity

+ Why is “Permission to rise” such an important message for women now?

+ How do we bravely share a change with others, without having the need to gain their permission? 

+ What tools do you use to bring you back to your centre? 

+ For someone who openly speaks about dealing with anxiety, how do you speak on stage?