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Why these 10 things created an unforgettable year

January 5, 2018

The New Year is a beautiful thing.

Our conversations are ablaze with ideas on improving/upgrading/changing/developing/forming/shifting…


This is my year we say.

I’m ready, I’ve got this…

The natural tendency of the creative and intelligent women (that is you by the way), is to look forward, evolve, grow, be better year after year.

Our “stop doing list” is an essential element of this process (you can learn what this is here).

But what if we chose easy? the simple route?

Easy feels good doesn’t it?

Easy is actually OK believe it or not.

One easy option, take stock of what worked, what brought you joy – and do more of that.

Ask yourself – when did I choose powerfully? when did I say “hell yes” to that thing…and it paid off (or is expected to very soon…).