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gluten free recipe

Nourish and Heal

Announcing the release of PALEO | by Lizzy of Primal Junction

September 9, 2014


For a long time, I’ve had the goal of writing a cookbook. One of my most relaxing and indulgent activities is to lie on the floor in the living room at home, surrounded by my favourite cookbooks. For me, it’s not even about cooking out of them.

I love all the beautiful images, creative recipe methods and I better yet, the challenge of making delicious and nutrient dense alternatives without the “fluffy” and “filler” ingredients like flour, sugars and grains. It’s always so rewarding to make a “paleo” dinner for guests and friends without them even knowing!

As I started experimenting more and more with my food and reducing the amount of toxins, sugar, dairy and grains that I was consuming, I kept needing to alter dishes and classic family favourites.