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beauty product review

Favourite Finds

Favourite Finds – Why We’re Loving Jar Body Scrub

December 10, 2014

jar body 1

Body scrubs are the new black as far as the natural beauty world is concerned. If you aren’t scrubbing baby then this is post is just for YOU!

Body scrubs are an absolute must all year round, but as we roll into those balmy summer evenings and don our flowing summer dresses, they will become an essential part of your beauty routine. Not only will they leave your skin glowing, they are also fantastic preparation for any fake tan application.

Just like our other favourite morning ritual – dry brushing, the intense exfoliating motion aids in lymphatic drainage, reduces cellulite, and problematic skin conditions like acne.

Favourite Finds

Favourite Finds – Why We’re Loving The Little Alchemist (Part 2)

November 10, 2014

The Little Alchemist

Does an express home facial before a night out sound like you? Or perhaps you might like to spend a Sunday afternoon curled up with a magazine and a face mask?

We couldn’t think of anything more blissful.

After discovering The Little Alchemist we were delighted to bring you the first of our two-part review on her skin cleansing range. Today, we present the second part of our review, in style.

The products have been reviewed in sequence of how we suggest using them to create the ultimate home facial. We suggest incorporating either the Papaya, Geranium & Lime Cleansing Milk or the Wild Apple & Mint Purifying Gel Cleanser to deep-cleanse and remove any make-up before starting your ritual.

Favourite Finds

Favourite Finds – Why We’re Loving The Little Alchemist

October 22, 2014



The Little Alchemist is a luxury, artisan skincare range that allows your skin and senses to be delighted with everything from body butters, to natural perfumes & to anti-aging treatments. All of The Little Alchemist range is made with Certified Organic Ingredients, uses recyclable packaging and cruelty-free – music to the ears of A Conscious Beauty.

Not only were we delighted by the thoughtful packaging and the styling of the brand, as soon we popped the lid on the first bottle we knew there was something unique about it that would set it apart. The key to the success of The Little Alchemist, is that it is formulated using high quality ingredients in concentration which “nourish, protect & feed your skin with vital nutrients, vitamins & antioxidants”. 

Favourite Finds

Favourite Finds – Why We’re Loving 100% Pure (take 2!)

October 6, 2014




As we mentioned in our first post for this brand, we were thrilled when Irene from Nourished Life, shared a couple 100% Pure products with us to trial.

A quick summary for those who haven’t seen the first post yet – this wonderful brand is one of our favourite finds as they are quite simply 100% Pure (their brand name may have just given that one away!)

The 100% Pure products are based on antioxidants, are gluten free (where possible) and contain no nasties or unhealthy toxins i.e. artificial colours & fragrances, synthetic chemicals, harsh detergents or chemical preservatives. Add to that, their products are also vegan friendly and not tested on animals. Our type of brand!

Favourite Finds

Favourite Finds – Why We’re Loving Saya Skincare

July 29, 2014

Saya Skincare Travel Packs

We were first introduced to Saya Skincare when Ruby stumbled upon the brand while visiting Noosa almost a year ago. We are a little crazy about uber slick packaging here at A Consicous Beauty, so it was no surprise that Saya Skincare was a stand-out for us. Although we could talk for hours about the packaging, how about we give you a little insight into the brand.

The founder of Saya Skincare – Saya McDermott – started the company by concocting products in her parents kitchen around 9 years ago. After convincing friends and family of the quality of her products the business grew to a stand alone store, online store and is now stocked throughout Australia. You go girl!

From humble beginnings on the beautiful Sunshine Coast, the line has evolved to include everything from a goat’s milk soap, to mens shaving cream and face serums. You are top to toe covered when it comes to Saya Skincare! Saya Skincare is a stand for quality, and although the range is not 100% Organic, the essential oils are all sourced from Australian suppliers and apart from the goats soap it is entirely vegan-friendly! Saya Skincare is also free of all the nasties we love to hate.