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neck tension

Active Beauty

Desk Yoga – 5 Minutes To Relieve Neck & Shoulder Tension

April 24, 2014

desk with glasses resting on a mousepad

It’s a undeniable part of modern life – we all spend gigantic amounts of time sitting in front of computer screens, tap-tapping away. Honestly, as a book worm and introvert, I’m not complaining, I get lots of great stuff accomplished in front of my macbook. Regardless of how much I love what I am working on, at the end of a long day I feel a like I have been carrying bags of sand on my shoulders. Sound familiar?

Better posture, proper work set up and regular breaks are all necessary preventative steps to reduce neck and shoulder pain. However, no matter how much prevention you put in, we humans are still not designed to be fixated in front of a glowing box for hours on end. The following is what I call my 5-minute-fix for sitting in front of the computer all day.