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body image movement


EMBRACE! Embrace yourself beauties

May 19, 2014

As I enter my mid-30s I’ve noticed I have a lot more peace with my body and also my body image is less negative and some days it’s actually very positive.

Don’t get me wrong, I still have plenty of bad days where I’m hyper critical of myself, but I am aware of the pattern. The negative thoughts are very closely related to my hormones and often raise their ugly heads when I’ve not been looking after myself (lack of sleep, overdoing it or having a bit of a tough time). Being more conscious of this means I’m able to be less tied to them and they act as a bit of a red flag that I need to step up the kindness level to myself – take time out, pamper, relax, nourish rightly and do any of those items I know will help me reclaim some of that balance.